May 16, 2012

suara hati

dear myself,
there will be a scar left behind,
but heartbroken doesn't last forever.

be strong.
believe in Allah.
there's also someone for you.
written in Luh Mahfudz.
if not in Dun'ya.
it will be in JannahinsyaAllah.


satu ketika dulu aku cantumkan kembali serpihan-serpihan hati yang berkecai.
seperti bermain puzzle.
dan puzzle itu tetap puzzle,
bila disapa angin, berterbangan semula.

mungkin aku patut frame-kan hati ini.
supaya utuh.

dan tidak terjatuh di tempat yang salah. 
lagi dan lagi.


senyuman yang dipaksa tak memberi erti apa apa :)

notakaki : I'd believe in love after marriage after seeing Dena's videos,blogs over and over again. She inspired me a lot. I love her 'love story' which I thought very awesome. And she was very lucky to have the arranged marriage which i thought not reliable for this 21st century. With everyone hopes, du'a, and wish, she makes all the people believe, that after the pain, Allah will give the happiness. Dena Bahrin, you are so strong. I'll always support you. :')

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